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Anxiety is a normal part of life, but when anxiety is accompanied by feeling hopeless or out of control, it’s time to get help. Feelings of anxiety and panic can interfere with daily life. They are difficult to control, and can last an excessive amount of time if not treated. Anxiety disorders often include continuous episodes of recurring feelings involving extreme anxiety and fear, that lead to severe moments of panic. There can be many forms of anxiety and there is no way to fully predict what causes an individual to develop an anxiety disorder. Regardless of what you’re experiencing, taking the step towards receiving treatment can help.


Anxious symptoms are not limited to worry or nervousness, but can also appear in unexpected ways, including:

  • restlessness, irritability or feeling on edge

  • racing thoughts, ruminating or obsessing

  • being easily fatigued

  • muscle tension

  • difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

  • sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep or restless, unsatisfying sleep

  • physiological symptoms as in panic attacks (e.g. heart palpitations, chest pain)

  • sweating or trembling

  • having difficulty controlling worry

  • feeling weak or tired

  • trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry

Please keep in mind that only a trained therapist is qualified to diagnose these disorders, but if you are experiencing symptoms you should contact a therapist as soon as possible.




Therapy can help to identify and change underlying patterns of thought and behaviour that are contributing to these feelings of anxiety. It can provide strategies to decrease the pain and restore a sense of peace and competence. If we want to uncover our deepest recesses of joy and peace, we must first face and conquer our anxieties. 

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